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Sunday Services


St John's - Corner of Victoria St and Ranolf St



St David's - Owhata



Ngakuru Community Church



During the week



A play programme for preschooler

9:15am & 10:45am on Monday

9:45am on Tuesday during school term



An action, adventure, activity and values-based programme for Kiwi Boys. ICONZ allows boys to be boys, It is faith, blood, mud, fire, water, speed, smash and build

Tuesday 6.30 to 8.30pm during school terms


The Cupboard & Cafe - At St John's, Rotorua

A meal with friends and access to take home food.

9am Wednesday 


Midweek Service

1.15pm Every Wednesday at St John's. Traditional hymns and delish afternoon tea.


Trinity Pantry and Wardrobe - 13 Hall Rd, Ngongotaha

Family focused help for those in the community who struggle to make ends meet.

Every Thursday morning​


Enquiries - contact the office:

Ph 07 348 2954




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