The Trinity Centre, based in Ngongotaha, is a community-led initiative offering local families the following:
The Pantry – subsidised grocery items and free fruit and vegetables
The Wardrobe – a minimal-charge clothing shop
A hearty morning tea, served while the Pantry and Wardrobe are open, from 8.00 to 11.30 on Thursday mornings
The revolving garden – a community garden, plus free vegetable seedlings so that people can start gardens at home for their own needs and those of the community
A free library

Most of the 30+ volunteer staff are Trinity Community members. Working at the centre can be a stepping stone for those seeking to find paid employment. Trinity has a core of team-leaders who provide training and there are two part-time paid staff: Kathy (Kaiawhina) and Jennifer (Administrator). They can be contacted at trinitycentre@rdpc.org.nz